Saturday, June 30, 2012

For once I will write a happy post :)

I thought it would be fitting to show a picture of prince woodmere, my happy idiot chocolate lab puppy, as today I feel almost as happy as he always seems to be.

There are very few feelings that can match the one you get when the fog of depression lifts. The sun comes out and everything is warm and fuzzy, I feel like a giddy 12 year old. Ironic that this moment would come while sitting and watching an absolutely crazy thunderstorm from my front step with a friend.

Yesterday I finally found "a game of thrones the board game" after looking under every rock for a week. I love the smell of a new board game. Hopefully tonight I will get some friends together to have a lovely round of screwing each over and lots of shouting and scheming.

Another special surprise came the other day in the form of a package. I ordered a small pendent with saint George the dragon slayer on it, which is identical to the one that my grandfather wears. I found it slightly silly that I am now wearing a heavily catholic / christian symbol, but I enjoy the mythology of the character and the idea of not letting your fear and doubt hold you back is something I can get behind.

Anyways, in conclusion; happy happy happy, happy, happy. Now I'm off to dream of Celtic trees. 

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