Monday, June 25, 2012

A rock and a Hard place

Friends. It is hard to keep the ones you enjoy, and even harder to get rid of the ones you hate.

I have always found the disparity between high school friends and college friends to be staggering. Your pre-college friends tend to be people you grew up with, you live near, you know each other's families, and have an intricate web of friendships and acquaintances. They may have changed since college, they may be complete assholes now, but it is hard to break such strong ties. You will put up with things from these people that you wouldn't let family get away with, you will lose your trust in them, and you will lose your respect for them, but even if you hate them you can't get away from them.

On the opposite, the friendships I have made in college have generally been created based on the character of the other person, and how well we connect. They are fragile friendships though. They do not have the web of connected friendships to keep communication tight. They are easily broken through small misunderstandings, things that wouldn't even  phase your friendship with the asshole from back home. You wish you could trade them, but you can't. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Why can't the people who make my smile simply with their presence have the time to see me on a regular basis. Why are the people I am around most often, the ones that put me down and make me depressed.

I wonder if I make anyone smile with my presence...

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